Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty
Personal Reflections of Beyond
An inspirational story of one man’s journey up the the end of life with his father. Filled with beautiful introspections into the nature of family and relationships, Hanson pulls no punches when questioning the struggles we all face with difficult life and death decisions. In a highly personal style, he shares the revelations, discoveries, and growth he discovered by his father’s deathbed.
In our world of highly effective medicine and life-support, most of us will face difficult and wrenching decisions at some point: When does life begin and end? What are the complexions of distinction between bare and primitive “life” on the one hand, and “human-ness” on the other hand? Where and when and how do we “play God” with our decisions to provide or withhold feeding tubes and respirators? How do we face these questions, and work our way to effective answers?
Woven through the story are descriptions of magical and mystical encounters that inform and guide the life of the narrator, helping to open honest questions about how religion aids and obstructs the journey through faith that most of us explore.