It’s that time of year when we all think about resolutions for the new year. In what ways do we want to improve the way we live next year? How can we become a better person? What do we want to like more about ourselves?
I don’t really make resolutions, but I do think about it this time of year. I’m always reminded of the ridiculous iron willpower that was a part of my father. While I don’t think he ever made resolutions at New Years, he did resolve to do things, and once he did, that resolve never faltered.
When I was growing up, it used to bother me a lot that my parents smoked. They were part of a generation that grew up in the 30’s and 40’s, learning to smoke before cigarettes got wimped down with things like low tar and filters. Dad smoked Camel non-filters – 2 or 3 packs a day of ‘em. Continue reading “A Pack Of Camels, Resolved”